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​西海岸ロックの旗手"秘密のミーニーズ" Vo. Gt.菅野みち子がキャリアの集大成であるソロアルバムをリリース!


東京への転居を機に秘密のミーニーズにVo., A.Gt.として加入。2012年3月より活動をスタートさせる。

以後Joni MitchellやCarole King、Karla Bonoff、吉田美奈子、大貫妙子、金延幸子等、和洋問わず女性シンガー・ソングライターに影響を受けたソングライティングは、秘密のミーニーズの中核を担うまでに成長。

West coast rock flag bearer "Secret Meenies" Vo. Gt. Michiko Kanno has released a solo album, the culmination of her career!


Upon moving to Tokyo, she joined THE SECRET MEANIES as Vo., A.Gt. Started activities from March 2012.

Since then, her songwriting influenced by female singer-songwriters of both Japanese and Western styles, such as Joni Mitchell, Carole King, Karla Bonoff, Minako Yoshida, Taeko Onuki, Sachiko Kanenobe, has grown to become the core of THE SECRET MEANIES.

This album has been completed as a culmination of the personal connections and songwriting that have been built up to now.

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